Sunday, October 4, 2009
My Dog Ellie
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Happy 45th Anniversary Mom + Dad!
WOW! 45 years of marriage. Congratulations to Barb and Don for this incredible milestone. They are an inspiration to all. They have made it where so many others have not - ups and downs along the way but always with their hearts and minds firmly focused on the most important thing in the world - FAMILY. They both embody dedication, love and unwavering commitment to their faith and their family. We are so blessed to have them as our parents, in-laws and grandparents.
They are beloved by so many who I know wish them a very heartfelt and happy 45th wedding anniversary!
We love you Mom and Dad!
Your adoring family
{photo taken during our recent family trip to WaterColor}
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Doug + Ty at work for the Saints

How CUTE is our nephew Tyler {TY}?!?!?!?!
He got to go to work with his Daddy {my brother Doug} at the New Orleans Saints {where Doug is the Director of Communications and New Media} a few weeks ago - one of his very favorite things on this earth to get to do.
What a lucky little guy to get to hang out with all the super nice, big football players while they practice! The official team photographer grabbed this photo - priceless!!
Grinnals Family "Wordle"

Aunt Kathleen is Getting Married!

We are so, so, so excited that Aunt Kathleen is getting MARRIED!!!! Yay! She is marrying a great guy from England named Judd on March 14th, 2009 in his hometown of Elton England.
Annie and Gracie are so excited because for the first {and probably only} time they will be flower girls!! Judd and Kate met on "Survivor" in Fiji {she is a producer and he is the boat captain} and have worked together in China, Pulau, LA and are now in Gabon, South Africa filming the current season.
They truly are the global couple and we are looking forward to meeting all of their cool and interesting international friends at the wedding next March. Check out their super fun, custom wedding website at!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Happy Birthday "Big Don!"

Heading out to for a special weekend up in WaterColor, FL to celebrate Dad's 70th!!!! My brother Doug, sister in law Carolyn and nephew and niece Tyler and Lauren are meeting us there from New Orleans and we have rented a fab house for the long holiday weekend!
He is such a special, special man and the best father anyone could ever ask for!! He has always put his family first - every day, in every way and we all love him so much!
We are looking so forward to getting together for some rare family fun in the sun -'togethering' at its very BEST!!! I promise to share pics when we get back!
Happy Birthday Dad, Big Don, Papi and Dirty are ADORED by all who know you!!!!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Easter in Celebration!
Disney Cruise!
We had a ball on our most recent Disney Cruise [my 12th!!!! - Hazard of the job - 9 of those were back when I was at Disney Weddings setting up the entire cruise wedding and honeymoon program!!].
It was a last minute and very impromptu 4-day getaway with my Mom and Dad and Kathryn and her 2 girls Caroline and Katie.
Patrick stayed home and worked while we had a high time on the high seas!!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Annie is 8!!!

According to Annie, "8 is GREAT" - she really had a fun birthday week and is appreciating for the first time how fun it is to have a St. Patrick's Day birthday!!
Check out her "Club Penguin" cake made by friends and incredible cake designers here in Celebration Terri and Melissa - [the image I sent to them that Annie designed and the final product] isn't it amazing? Annie did not want to cut it and even when we did it was little by little and after 10 days I told her we HAD to finally part with it!!
She had a great time with some of her closest friends at a pool party at the Artisan Park pool and summer kitchen at the end of our street.
Time sure flies - she is growing into such an incredible girl and we are so proud of her each and every day. Sniff, sniff!!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
10 OUTSTANDING Years!!!!

As we watched our 'wedding movie' tonight with Annie and Gracie, it was bittersweet to see and hear all of those very special people who were there with us that day but are no longer here: Grandma Rose Grinnals, my Grandpa Harry Emerick [who did not make it down to Florida to the actual wedding but was there with us in spirit that day], Aunt Rita Hunter, Cele Lalli and Nate Weil. How lucky we are that we have their memory preserved forever in film and on video. What a gift.
The top photo still tells the tale of the way I feel when I look at Patrick - he is the one who makes me smile, who supports me in every single thing I do and who loves his family with every fiber of his being. And oh yeah, who makes me giggle like a schoolgirl!
I love you sweetie - thank you for the best 10 years of my life! To many, many, many more!! R.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Littlest Soccer Star!
p.s. Exciting week last week - Gracie scored her first GOAL!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Highlights from our '07 Christmas Card Shoot!
*Special Thanks to Stacey Kane for capturing these special moments!

We are all so blessed to live so close to each other and the bond that Annie and Gracie have with Gramma Bee and Papi Don ['Big Don' as Annie calls him!] is priceless. This quick collage [you can click on the image to enlarge] she designed says it all: ADORE: cherish, shower with hugs + kisses, love and respect deeply. I couldn't say it any better myself! We adore you Mom and Dad and are deeply grateful for all that you do for our family each and every moment of each and every day!
Aunt Kathleen On Her Way Here!!!

We are SO excited! Patrick's sister Kathleen [aka "Aunt Kate"] is arriving in the morning to spend the holidays with us straight from the island of Pulau [near Micronesia] where she has just wrapped filming the 10th season of Survivor! [her 3rd one on the series]. She is a producer with Mark Burnett Productions. We all cannot wait to hear all of her tales of her amazing travels and life experiences gained over the past year since we saw her last! She has been in Dominica [filming the series "Pirate Master"] and then was in China and most recently Pulau. We will only get her for a few quick days before she is off again to destinations unknown for the next 2 seasons!! Check out the pics of her in Pulau diving and swimming with the dolfin's in the wild!
She is just the coolest, most laid back and super fun Aunt/sister/sister-in-law and we are just totally psyched to hang with her for the next few days!! Updates and more pics to follow for sure!
She is just the coolest, most laid back and super fun Aunt/sister/sister-in-law and we are just totally psyched to hang with her for the next few days!! Updates and more pics to follow for sure!
Uncle Doug, Jimmy Buffet, The New Orleans Saints and a Racehorse!

Ok - quiz time: what do Uncle Doug [my little brother!], Jimmy Buffet, The New Orleans Saints and a Racehorse have in common?
Turns out - quite a bit!! Doug is a part owner of a racehorse named 'Pulaski County' along with Jimmy Buffet and a number of notable New Orleans Saints including head coach Sean Payton, quarterback Drew Brees, General Manager Mickey Loomis and his boss Greg Bensel, Vice-President of Communications! Racing under the "Last Mango Racing Stable" the horse had its second 3rd place "show"today [the first race was on Thanksgiving day].
So. Much. Fun!
Barb and Don were there today for the race - they said it was great and really exciting! You can visit the official website for the whole back story - but in a nutshell - when Doug and the others were in Miami last February for the Superbowl [which the Saints came heartbreakingly close to playing in!] they spent some time with Jimmy Buffet [a HUGE Saints fan!!] and after many Landshark beers they cooked up this idea - and less than one year later here they are!
This is a fun article from the Times-Picayune about the endeavor! Leave it to Doug - never a dull moment!!!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Visit with Santa '07!

Annie took a break in between her two Celebrate Gymnastics team performances downtown to pop over and visit with him - which explains the outfit! She made us very proud and is really loving being part of the team. She was also excited to debut her new 'do' - a shoulder length bob!! Santa loved it!
So far - there are more 'nice' moments than 'naughty' ones so heading into this final week odds are good that Santa will deliver on their lists...but we will keep you posted!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Our Soccer Girl!

Annie is growing up so fast and this past week has added Musical Theatre and Jazz to her already busy line-up of activities which include soccer, piano lessons, the gymnastics team. So much for my vow to not overschedule my kids!!! We will take stock over the holidays and decide what we want to do in the new year - but judging by her enjoyment of everything - she will choose to keep them all!!
The Elf on the Shelf!

Friday, November 23, 2007
Update From Annie: International Festival
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Happy Birthday to Gracie!

She is beloved by all of us and, as Patrick says, "She is all that's good..."
We had a great time at the Montessori School International Festival where both Gracie and Annie performed with their classmates and then as a big surprise everyone [a few hundred people!] sang Happy Birthday to her while she was on stage and she handled it like a pro!!
Happy birthday sweet girl - may you continue to be such a magical thinker and to spread your happiness to all whom you meet. We love you right up to the moon and back!!!
Mommy, Daddy, Annie and your adoring Grammas + Papi Don too!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Halloween in Celebration!
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