Saturday, December 22, 2007


How amazing is this!?! I am so thrilled that I had Stacey Kane shoot my Mom and Dad with the girls during their session last month! It was a very impromptu thing and I am just so tickled to have these images. I only wish that Gramma Patty had been with us - but all the more reason for more sessions with Stacey the next time she is here in the spring!!!

We are all so blessed to live so close to each other and the bond that Annie and Gracie have with Gramma Bee and Papi Don ['Big Don' as Annie calls him!] is priceless. This quick collage [you can click on the image to enlarge] she designed says it all: ADORE: cherish, shower with hugs + kisses, love and respect deeply. I couldn't say it any better myself! We adore you Mom and Dad and are deeply grateful for all that you do for our family each and every moment of each and every day!

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